
photo album rules. so does riding loller coasterz with my brother.

p90- (that means failure, son)

i just looked at my icalendar and saw that the end of this week would have been the end of the 90 days of tony horton hell. don't get me wrong, i loved doing the workouts in the series (CORE SYNERGISTICSSSSSSS), but i definitely couldn't keep it up during the summer. and, as a result, since the end of may i have lost 8 pounds. (what the damn.)

i can't be certain, because i'm not a doctor of exercise science, but i believe it is 8 pounds of muscle. whatever. once i'm back on a dining hall diet again, i'll be starting every morning with tony horton again. still hating the evil that is yoga x, but at least i'll know what i'm getting myself into a little more completely.

oh, and had i done the 90 days straight through, i would be JUST LIKE the guy in this video. well, still blindingly white, but you know what i mean. homedude is the KING of pullups, son.


moms and macbooks

oh btdubs.

i had an awesome day today hanging out with my mom. and my macbook and itunes library. i multitasked during all of that by washing dishes and mowing the lawn and purging more things and doing 3 loads of laundry. i need to earn my keep, son.

it's a good life.

kyle. = hermione granger

i'm in the throes of one undoubtedly groundless obsession right now:

3 of my books have arrived for my graduate program. thank you, amazon and bigwords. now i have just 1.5 months before my classes start to sufficiently read/learn/skim/absorb all of the knowledge so that i can feel less unprepared for my program. oh, and learn apa style. stupid english major. mla isn't useful for anything, i guess.

hermione granger complex. h8 u. but thank you jk rowling for giving me a way of explaining my tendencies.

seriously though i'm really excited to get going on these books. i don't even care that i'm going to be that guy in the cohort that everyone is going to hate in the classroom. i'll woo them with karaoke and funfetti cake instead.

time to go read.


the first goodbye is for my apartment.

i have checked every possible place because i'm obsessive, and i found all of my clothes still hanging in my closet and the timer magnetized to the oven hood. one last trip to drop all of them off at the temp. storage area, and then get some gas, and then i'm off to chicago.

goodbye, bunker. keep my two pieces of furniture safe. i'll miss how you always cut off my cell phone signal, and how you were hella big to help hide all of the crap i've accumulated. i'll miss you when my entire grad school apartment is the size of your living room.

i hope you will remember all of the time i spent dicking around and sitting on the couch and watching shitty tv and using google maps to find out which republican states have the most strip clubs.

at least i still have the corolla, seba.

i don't know how long it's going to take for me not to call you home.

promises to myself

okay so i have a few promises to myself.

next year i'm going to help out with the horseshoe crab census. because i like volunteering. and biology.

here's more information: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106489695

i should go to bed soon so i can finish up this damn move tomorrow.


what this is, and what this isn't.

hey readers.

so i'm the type of person that looks back on these things and regrets them most of the time, but hopefully this will be a good run for a while before i get bored with it or forget about it or resent it enough to delete it.

we'll see how long it takes me to get to any of those points (and this 'self-aware' reflective speak is probably only going to gain me points up until i push 'publish' on this sucker), but in a way i'm really excited to chronicle my adventures in this blog. here's why.

1. i'm egotistical enough to think that i have enough shit to say about just about anything, and that 'enough' equals blahgging.

2. i'm self-deprecating enough that this is at least going to be funny. to me.

3. i'm hoping to be able to incorporate some video into this biznass of blogging, because i have a macbook and the mind of a tween girl.

4. maybe this will help me stop obsessing about everything in life. okay it won't because in a masochistic way i like thinking too much to stop but it will at least share that obsessing with all of my closest internet neighbors.

5. i spell things wrong sometimes, and i don't use correct grammar sometimes. sometimes i'm an idiot. sometimes i'm ignorant. and sometimes i claim irony in those situations to save my pride.

6. i'm a fan of micro-posts. and dickensonian novel-length posts. feel free to close the window at any time.

okay whatever post soon.